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A beautiful handmade pine tree, made in the German living community Birkenhof. The large one is about 20cm high, the small one 14cm.
A bridge made of elderwood in Germany. The small one measures 22cm *25cm. For every tree that is used, a new tree will be planted.
A wooden house with a door that can be opened. Available in the size small (12cm*10cm) medium (14cm *12cm) large (16cm*14cm)Â and very large (18cm*16cm) The houses are made of eldar woo in Germany. For every tree they use, a new tree is planted.
A wooden castle containing 15 pieces. The highest tower measures 29cm. The castle is made of Eldarwood in Germany. For every plant that is used, a new tree is planted.
Wooden stairs. The small one measures 10cm*6cm and the large one 12cm*8cm. Thestairs are made of Eldarwood in Germany. For every tree that is used, a new tree is planted.
A piece of wall 10cm*14cm (7231) A wall with two windows 14cm * 16cm (7236) A tower 14cm*18cm (7244) A piece of wall 12*14cm (7260) Â The products are made of alder wood in Germany. For every tree that is used, a new tree is planted.
A castle house made of elderwood in Germany. It measures 21cm*27cm. For every tree that is used, a new tree will be planted.
A city house amsterdam style. The small one measures 11*22cm and the large one 14cm*26cm. The city houses are made of Eldarwood in Germany. For every tree that is used, a new tree is planted.
A wooden house WITHOUT a door. Available in the size small (14cm *12cm) and large (18cm*16cm) The houses are made of eldar woo in Germany. For every tree they use, a new tree is planted.