

Grimms building set Weather (10678) View full size

Grimms building set Weather (10678)

39.95T 39,95 tax incl.

We want to make an abstract topic comprehensible to children in a hands-on way.
The beautiful shape and feel of the play pieces stimulates the child’s imagination and stories about the weather can be experienced and emulated: Let’s comfort Little Rabbit who has hidden under his bed out of fear of the thunderstorm! Through play fears can be processed and alleviated.
In form and shape, The Weather Building Set is perfectly matched to our Large Twelve-Piece Rainbows.
All young builders, of both small and large worlds, can use these pieces to bring sunshine to their day, to conjure up lightning and thunder, or let snow and rain fall from the sky. A good storm drives all the clouds from the sky so that the sun can dry and warm everything once again.
Size: W = 54 - 210 mm, H = 60 - 138 mm
13 pieces


2 items in stock


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